Lucky Shot
Play with 2 - 5 people
Requires the Scoreline, 2-4 marbles of same color per Player
Setup: Tie a temporary loop 4-6 inches in diameter on one end of the Scoreline. Manipulate the remainder of the scoreline in front or around the loop to create obstacles during the round. The obstacles may be changed each round by the player starting the round.
Objective: At the end of each round, have the most marbles in the loop without being knocked out.
How do you play?
Simple Scoring
Each Player takes a turn tossing or rolling one of their marbles towards the points area. Turns continue until all marbles have been played during the round. Count the total points scored per Player. Continue playing rounds while adding points per Player until a Player reaches 11 points (optionally, play to 5). If more than one Player scores 11 points or more at the same time, the Player with the highest points total wins.
Moderate Scoring
Same play as Simple Scoring. However, if no Player scores during a round, all Players deduct 2 points from their score. Zero is the lowest score after deductions.